Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Ok so the huy is being a jerk...so no "chicken" house. He doesn't want to pay for the septic inspection which he agreed to on the purchase agreement and wanted to keep our earnest money if the deal did not close for any reason. That did no sit well with us because we are getting a FHA loan which means when they inspect the house....it has to be darn near perfect and if he does not fix those items it would be a no go...so I should give him my money for his house not passing inspection...not on my watch. I am not settling on a house just because I could have chickens. This is my hard earned money and I get what I want or no deal. This is a buyers market so I'm going to keep looking.

On another note...my foot does not have a break but they still don't know what to do so I'm going to a foot specialist...maybe some answers will come after I see him/her.


emily said...

jerk guy! something else good will come up. Hope you find some answers about your foot soon!

Shanna said...

That stinks!!! Well keep looking and I am sure you find another to call the chicken house. Good luck!

Deb said...

Thanks guys...this house stuff is getting to be more work than its worth. But like i said i refuse to settle.

Anna said...

Smart girl. It's hard to decide against something you want and are excited about! Hope you are doing ok today! Lots of love to you and the family!

Unknown said...

Sheesh! That's a rip off for them to keep your money when they can't pass inspection. So glad you're going another route.