Wednesday, July 21, 2010

All better!!!

I just need to rant...ignore my last post!!!

I told Lee all about my day after he got home from his 11 hour day...he said I need to go to the park but I need to watch doing that because then they will want to go everyday...even if the weather is bad!!!

Kenny is doing awesome with potty training...just need to get the night time thing down...but I'll deal with a wet pull up from night time any day as long as he goes on the big potty during the day.

Rachele has been a little on the sassy side...she does not get that is only 6 not 16. I know all mothers of young girls goes through this but she seems to be doing it more and more. Anyone else having this isssue??

1 comment:

Shanna said...

Oh I so have issues with Katie thinking she is 16 as well. Drives me nuts. but I have learned that when she gets into a frustrated mood and starts yelling it only gets worse if I yell back. I am still working on that too. And Leo still wears a diaper to bed sometimes too. I let my kids figure the night thing out on their own in their own time. Seems to be about 4 when they figure it out.