Friday, January 11, 2008

I remembered what it was!!!

Okay so I went to bed and still did not remember. The boy wakes up at 3:30am and I still didn't remember. I was begining to think it was gone for good.....

As I'm driving to school it hits me like a billboard... okay so it was a sign on a bus. But I remembered. I was wanting to check out this university for a possible bacholars degree when I'm done with school. It is more resaerch at this point but I did pray about it and I feel that looking into it is deffinatly a good thing.


Shanna said...

I am so glad you rememberd and shared with us that would be so exciting and not to mention very motivating to your kids when they are older.

emily said...

so funny. Very glad you remembered. Those kinds of things drive me absolutely bonkers until I remember them again.