Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Sunday...

We made it to church. Yippie!!! I was starting to wonder cuz the rash is still kinda hanging out...but it looks like Rachele's anyways!

The puppy has torn up two dog get to the squeaker...and a pillow that was in the dog cage. The big dog decided to pee in the house...I think in protest of the puppy so back to the kennel for him!

My nephew texted me today from TX to say with all the stuff going on in Korea that he could go there after tech school...yikes!! I think they might have been given a "warning" of that possibility.

My dad had his hernia fixed...things are good but slow.

Not sure what else to say so I'll sign off for now.

Oh wait...I'm going to go buy some fabric from fabric warehouse to make curtains...yea me!!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Hey, sorry I don't comment much! I definitely don't blog as much as I want to, and don't always get around to reading others until they have blogged 4 or 5 times. :( Dont feel left out:) We love you!!!