Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...

So it is my weekend to work so no fasting for me...Lee forgot about it so he did not fast either. It was a good day for us all.

Lee got his calling this week...teaching the val. 9's

I got my calling even without me there...teaching the val. 9's

I never knew I could get a calling without being at biggy. I cool with it.

I do kinda wish it was out of primary...but I must be needed there! I have had a calling in primary since we joined the church almost...maybe a few months worth not in primary. The funny thing is other than in FW my callings have been in the valiants. It should be fun!!


Anna said...

I always get burned out in Primary, but I recently heard a comment that they put the strongest members in with the Primary kids because they are needed to build the kids testimonies. These strong members help the children get home to our Heavenly Father. I don't mind serving in Primary so much when I know this:) Good luck with it!

Deb said...

Thats a good one Anna...thanks. Of course I don't feel strong but that does make me feel better! They gave it to both Lee and I so that way on the weekends I work I don't have to find a that is a relief!