Thursday, December 10, 2009


Well another birthday has come and gone. It was not to bad. I had a good time dispite being sick. It was fun to share and feel the love of my family. I even felt my mom in the room when I blew out the candles. I know some do not believe in that but I do and she was there.

We have almost all of our Christmas shopping done. Just nailing down a few for Kenny. He is at that age where somethings he is too young for but others he is too old for. So we did get a few items that daddy will play with more than Kenny but that will be ok.

My sister had a nice birthday dinner or so I was told because I had to work and could not go.

Next big plan is Kenny's birthday. One day it will mean something to him to share his birthday with Joseph Smith. Funny thing is we did not realize it until his 2nd birthday. I guess we got to wrapped up in Kenny to put that together. I have no idea what to do for him other than cake and ice cream with the family and gifts or really when to do it. Lee has his surgery on the 17th so the weekend before is going to be hard with out Lee being up to helping me and then after in Christmas so we can't do it then. i know it will all work out in the end.

Shanna, keep the faith. I look forward to seeing your posts and ramblings because I feel the same way. My sister checks my blog but does not comment but at least I know she is doing it because she makes a point to say hey what is this all about and so on. Things will get better. People we see their errors and hopefully learn from them, if not then they will find out when it is too late to repent. Miss you!! Hugs!!


Shanna said...

Huh for some reason I have always thought JS birthday was in April. But I am obviously wrong. It is amazing how fast our children grow up. Sorry I missed your B-day. Sorry you were sick.

Bufftub2 said...

I read your blog all the time. I thought talking to you directly was better then a comment but I have no problem doing both!

Shanna said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope its a good one.

Becca said...

Happy belated birthday. I am sorry you were sick and had to work. Bummer. Despite surgeries and life that will always happen I hope you and your family have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.