Sunday, December 27, 2009

The new year is coming....

So with the year coming to an end I have done some thinking! I need to make some changes. So with that in mind I have a few things to do.

We need to be more on the ball with some church related things...prayers (all types), FHE, scripture reading, and making sure we are prepared for class (not the night before scramble). A few others I'm sure will pop up but that is a good start.

School...I need to be more on the ball with getting my work done. At this point a Bachelor's will not get me any more money but with the rumors flying that our hospital is being sold it could help me keep my job or find a better one if the rumors are true.

The kids, they need more help from both Lee and I. Not that they are in trouble or anything but I see some areas they need help. Kenny needs to potty train and Rachele just needs someone to talk to or even read to.

Lee...I need to help him stay on target for his new healthy life style. He needs to lose about 100lbs on the lighter side (more like 120-130). With him having the same surgery twice this year it has become more apparent that his weight is the cause. Not that I did not know it but he has realized it.

Family history...where to begin? With all the deaths this year we have alot of work to do. We have got a jump on that with half of a new recommend (we just need the stake side). Our temple is only 20 minutes away so we have no reason not to go at least once a month. Plus, if we are doing temple work I'm sure anyone of our church friends will be more than willing to watch my kids.

Household...we need to get rid of alot of stuff. Not junk just stuff that we really do not need or that needs to be replaced... old dressers, clothes that I do not wear, some of the toys the kids do not play with, stuff I do not use (but not my craft stuff).

I see so much potential for a great new year, I know I can pull it off and I will keep you all posted on how it's going.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The night before style!!

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the hospital no a ventilator was alarming or even a BiPAP.

We were all sitting around when our phones all rang. We jumped at the sound that they made.

We answered the phones to see what was the matter when the ER said it was a Priority ONE!!

We jump to our feet and run down the stairs just in time to see the jolly man in his red suit with a 100% non rebreather. He was doing ok but was not sure what took his breath away.

We all scramble to make him all better. We get he back on his feet to bring joy and peace to the world.

As he leaves the hospital he yells Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!

Ok not to funny or even silly but for the spur of the moment not a bad little joke.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kenny's 3rd birthday!!

Ok so it is a few hours early but hey I'm not sure I will have time to update tomorrow. We had his party with the family on Saturday it was very nice. Kenny got lots of gifts. We saved some of the gifts that we got him for his actual birthday. I can't wait.

Christmas should be fun. We have all the gifts under the tree minus the Santa drop. I have to go back to work on Christmas eve so mommy is waking the kids as soon as I get home (at 0710 {am}) to open up all the gifts.

The surgeries went very well. Lee is going for a post op appointment tomorrow so we will see how well things are really going. Dad will not have any results until after the new year...but the doctor said it looked more like irritation. Prayers are being said but more are welcome.

This is my 160 post. Yea me!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Well another birthday has come and gone. It was not to bad. I had a good time dispite being sick. It was fun to share and feel the love of my family. I even felt my mom in the room when I blew out the candles. I know some do not believe in that but I do and she was there.

We have almost all of our Christmas shopping done. Just nailing down a few for Kenny. He is at that age where somethings he is too young for but others he is too old for. So we did get a few items that daddy will play with more than Kenny but that will be ok.

My sister had a nice birthday dinner or so I was told because I had to work and could not go.

Next big plan is Kenny's birthday. One day it will mean something to him to share his birthday with Joseph Smith. Funny thing is we did not realize it until his 2nd birthday. I guess we got to wrapped up in Kenny to put that together. I have no idea what to do for him other than cake and ice cream with the family and gifts or really when to do it. Lee has his surgery on the 17th so the weekend before is going to be hard with out Lee being up to helping me and then after in Christmas so we can't do it then. i know it will all work out in the end.

Shanna, keep the faith. I look forward to seeing your posts and ramblings because I feel the same way. My sister checks my blog but does not comment but at least I know she is doing it because she makes a point to say hey what is this all about and so on. Things will get better. People we see their errors and hopefully learn from them, if not then they will find out when it is too late to repent. Miss you!! Hugs!!