Sunday, December 28, 2008

My time to vent!!

Read at your own risk!!!

So I'm at work and I have the ISO unit which means every patient has something thats contagious and I have to gown up and wash longer and so on. My night starts out with a bad note of a day shift therapist leaving a patient and he was disconnected from the ventilator and she didn't want to handle it. It was only 7pm she is still responsible for that patient until she gives report (which she had not done). So I go down to an area that is not mine because my boss asks me to go to help her out because she is still handing out peoples assignments and doing her start of shift work. I go down in the basement to find the patient being bagged by the nurse and she says he seems to be doing better should we try him on the ventilator again I say sure and hook him up. I quickly realize he is not ventilating and investagate why. I realize his ventilator circuit is disconnected and fix it. The patient is fine. I leave and go back to the department to get report for my area and let them now what was going on. The day shift therapist says well he is all over the place so I tied his circuit to the bed...that is what made it disconnect. Call me crazy but if you had a patient that could not stop moving would you tie his life line to a stationary object????

My night goes on. I go to my unit and get started. Things are running smooth. I get my first round done and go eat at about 11p. I get a call to place a patient on his CPAP so he can sleep. I hook the patient up and back to my lunch/dinner I go. I then get a call about my one patient not oxygenating well. So off to the ISO unit. I tell the nurse the only thing I can do is add PEEP but I need an order. She gets one and I add the PEEP. I then go to leave and I get a "trouble" patient from the ER. I go take care of him and then I go back to my food. I then get a a page that my patient that was not oxygenating well died to please come turn off the vent and take it out. I have had a full night so far but it gets worse.

I then get a page from the other floor that I have that a pt has CPT and needs it because he is coughing. CPT only makes you cough more. I investigate into the matter and discover that the patient has a C-collar and CPT in not indicated for patients with C-collars. Well I then get called back to the ISO unit so I have to tell the nurse that I can't get the CPT done because I got called back to the unit and that he is in a C-collar that I can't do it until that is cleared. I take care of my ISO patient and sit down to vent on my blog.

I know its boring to most but I had to get it off my chest before I exploded.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Sounds tiring and stressful to me. Isn't it just so much harder to do your job when other people aren't doing theirs?