Saturday, February 11, 2012

Other than Lee and a few church friends I haven't told anyone this...

I have had a few streaks of blood...nothing major and not everyday or even every time I use the bathroom. I panic every time I see it and pray right on the spot. I end up with the worst morning sickness the next day. I have my first appointment in a little over a week so I'm feeling ok with it because like I said its streaks and only every now and then.

I share only because this is like my journal...and who knows someone might read this and feel better about it them self...if it happens to them!


Shanna said...

Hope it all turns out to be nothing and baby is fine. You can always get a blessing.

Deb said...

I hope so too...and darn it why do I always forget about that...I guess it comes from not growing up with it!! Thanks Shanna!!

Unknown said...

A few thoughts. First, maybe you have a low placenta and the spotting is related to it migrating? I had that with my youngest. Second, any idea if your progesterone is on the low side? That can lead to all sorts of issues in the first trimester. Have you called the doctor's office just to put your mind at ease? I hope its nothing serious and everything calms down soon.

Deb said...

Oh good ideas...No I haven't called the office yet...I'm seeing a new OB with this one and my first appointment is on the hasn't got any worse so I haven't paniced too much yet. My thought was if it gets worse then call and see if they can get me in sooner...and no idea if my progesterone level is low...I have thought of that...and I know with my miscarriage they checked that to see if that played a role in the miscarriage but it was fine...doesn't mean its not low this time around. Thanks for the ideas...questions to ask at the appointment.