Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just a few things....

Just a few things going on...in no order:

* the new cricut was launched today...oh how I want one...maybe after the move and I have some ideas for my old one!!

* talked to the realtor and finance guys today...we are on target for a middle of May begining of June close date!! Hurry up get here already!!!

* I have decided to start walking/jogging/running...so I ordered a jogging stroller for Kenny...that was fun looking for one that would hold him longer than a few months without paying over 300 bucks!!!

* I don't want to have a workout consume my time and thoughts...on that note calorie counting is going well...everytime I eat something my first thoughts are how many calorires and serving size. I hope to step on a scale and see some results soon...I don't want to get disappointed just yet :(

* I love that the weather is getting nicer even with the rain...the coldness is going away...I hope to stay away!

* Lee has finally (fully) gotten on the lets have another baby page...I think my miscarriage last year hurt him more than I thought...so maybe soon I will have that news too...its funny when I decide to lose wieght I think about having a baby...

* Easter was ok...I had to work so I really did not get to reflect the way I would like to have...plus it strikes me as an odd thing that I work for a Catholic Ministry hospital system and Easter is not a paid holiday or even a holiday they honor!! Other than Christmas you would think Easter would be the most important holiday! But what do I know!

* I don't think the spell check is working on blogger so forgive my spelling errors!

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