Friday, September 28, 2007

My kids are getting big!!!

The kids had thier yearly check ups. Or should I say Rachele had her yearly check up and Kenny had his nine month check up.

Rachele is 40 lbs and 42" tall. She has to go back next week to get her 4 year shots. Michigan is a stickler for dates so she couldn't get them 5 days dumb.

Kenny is 23 lbs 7 oz and 28" tall. He is my chunk o' love. He got his last Hepititis shot. And we got a number to get a consult to have his ear tag removed. He has had it since birth and its no big deal but we would like to have it removed before he starts school. But we also don't want him to old that he hates doctors. So I'll keep you all updated on the results of that.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

They are getting big. My insurance was the same way about shots. Leo couldnt get the chicken pox one because his birthday was in 2 days. Good luck on the ear tag.