Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Feels left out...

Ok so I have been just sitting around asking myself why is it that only Shanna has made comments on my posts lately?

So here is what I think...

*my posts suck
*i complain too much
*no one is on
*i have not commented in a while so there for neither has anyone else
*i made someone mad so thay aren't checking my blog

Well since I'm not as cool as Emily to give something away I'm going for pity...my kids are sick and I need to clean my house to ensure that the rash they have is not scabies even though it does not look like it. My kids dr thinks it molluscum contagiousum...look them up...you can see a huge difference between them and my kids looks like the molluscum contagiousum...bad thing is it could last a year or more to go away completely if it is that and it is highly contagious...hints the name I would assume. One of the other drs in the office says treat it as scabies and see what it does. Well thanks now I have to get ahold of everyone at church and family and babysitter and so on. Plus Lee know has to miss work to care the kids as we can't have them go to the babysitter!!! Great...at least I have that option cuz if I was single mom I would so lose my income for a week...taht would be so bad!

Ok I'm done...did it work?


Shanna said...

I love you!!! Sending so many hugs to you!! I hope it all gets better quick. And I personally have not been on much lately. We have had a busy last 3 weeks or so. Keep your spirits high! It could be worse... at least they don't have scarlet fever.

Deb said...

Thanks Shanna. So true...I talked to the infectious disease dr at work and he said there was no way it was either one of those so woohoo! Plus it is almost all gone...just the really bad spots are still hanging out.